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Home Gym Powerblock Bodybuilding Full Body Workout | Ota-ku Personal Trainer Tokyo Titan

Last week posted a blog explaining why powerblocks are so much better than dumbbells for home gyms. So today, I'm going to explain you how you can use powerblocks to do a very effective

full body bodybuilding workout in your home gym.

About the Workout

This workout consists of supersets working the opposing muscles. Opposing muscles supersets are fantasticfor building both muscle and strength. Each exercise is going to be three sets of 8 to 12 reps, stopping 1 to 2 reps short of failure. Normally, I'd recommend doing this in the rep range of 8 to 12 reps, but as long as you're in a rep range of 8 to 15 reps, you will definitely put on muscle.

Superset 1: Legs

For the first superset we'll be doing the Bulgarian squat, which works the quads, and then we'll go into the dumbbell Romanian deadlift, which works the hamstrings. For the Bulgarian split squat, you will need a bench or something else where you can

elevate your foot behind you as you perform the exercise.

Superset 2: Chest and Back

Next is the dumbbell bench press, which works the chest muscles, and we'll go from that into that bent over dumbbell row, which works the lats.

Supersret 3: Shoulders and Traps

For the next superset, we'll be doing the dumbbell shoulder press, which obviously works

the shoulders, and also dumbbell shrugs, which work the traps, or the upper back

muscles. For all the exercises up until now, you've probably been able to perform them

at the same weight. For shoulders and traps, the difference in muscle strength is huge.For this superset, the power blocks are going to be really useful, as you can quickly change the weight between sets.

Superset 4: Arms

Easily, hands down, because of all the bros trying to build up their arms, biceps into tricep

supersets are the most popular supersets. Even people who don't know anything about supersets probably end up doing this at some point. For this superset, we're going to do the dumbbell curl into the overhead dumbbell tricep extension.

Superset 5: Abs and Calves

Now, these aren't opposing muscle supersets. The opposing muscles for the abs

would actually be the lower back. But we've already worked the back twice and we want to get

some calves work in as well. If you're doing this, workout three times a week, which I would recommend, then on day one you could do abs and calves, day two you could do abs and lower back, and day three you could do abs and calves again. Or even two days a week, day one abs and calves, day two abs and lower back. The idea behind putting abs and calves together is that they don't interfere while working the other muscle.

For the abs exercise, to utilize the powerblocks, we're going to be doing a dumbbell Russian twist. Dumbbell Russian twist doesn't need a heavy weight, which means that the abs and calves are going to be using very different weights. This means you'll have to change weights

between sets. With the powerblocks, that'll be very quick and easy.

For Effective Training, Contact Tokyo Titan

I am Tokyo Titan, an ISSA certified bodybuilding specialist trainer and nutritionist. Through utilizing bodybuilding techniques, we will achieve the body you want in half the time. Lessons are provided at my personal gym, located in Ota-ku, Tokyo, and also online, allowing you to choose the format that best suits your schedule and location. Contact me today to kickstart your fitness journey.

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